Award of a Different Kind . . . The Versatile Blogger Award

versatile blogger nominations Actually, it was back on February 24, 2013 that Dr. Juanita Lewis presented this award to NIKOtheOrb. I have been on a bit of a hiatus throughout that time (but have been, of late, contributing to EXPLORINGtheLATERAL, if you’d like to see some of what we’ve been up to).

My apologies for taking some months to thank The Metaphysician (a great blog, by the way, and if I could, I’d add her to the list of 15 blogs the rules require I appoint). In reading through your blog, the list of other appointed blogs to whom you bestowed this (well-deserved for them all, if you ask me) award, and the many comments and compliments you received, I am humbled to be among such great company.

And now for the rules: 1. Post a logo of the award received. [check]; 2. link back to the person who presented the award. [check — see above paragraphs and just for good measure, here you go]; 3. appoint 15 other bloggers for the award. [this will not be difficult as that includes just about everyone I follow at WP. For the list, see below]; and 4. tell 7 things about yourself [without running the risk (and lazy thing to do) of repeating myself with the 5 things I listed when the wonderful Kozo presented this blog with a Very Inspiring Blogger Award, I will do my best to give 7 new things about myself, as best as I can. No promises, though. :-D]

15 Well-Deserved Blogs and Bloggers to whom this Award is appointed and no words could accurately capture the greatness of their blogs:

1. Everyday GurusEveryday, Everywhere We Are Guided Towards Happiness
2. The Liberated WayLiberty, Wisdom, Creativity (love the look of the new site!)
3. Carla R. Herrera(some of the best creative writing on WP)
4. Holistic WordsInspirational Words for the Holistic Mind
5. physics4me“Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler”, Albert Einstein
6. Riding effortlessly on a large green turtleTall Tales of Travel, Spirit, Love, and Poetry
7. RD ReviloConscious Thought: Driven by Intelligent Awareness
8. bodhisattvaintraininginner workings of an untamed mind
9. Walking No Line-Wandering here and there, wondering at this and that, trying to find my Way.
10. Utopia or Dystopiawhere past meets future
11. TreeYo PermacultureSustainability Education and Ecological Design
12. rarasaur. . .frightfully wonderous things happen here.
13. EXPLORINGtheLATERALWe live in the forest and all of our possessions fit in our backpacks [shameless plug]
14. Mind HacksNeuroscience and psychology tricks to find out what’s going on inside your brain.
15. h-madnessThis blog follows the history of psychiatry

7 Things About Me:

1. I live with SchizoAffective Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
2. I spend nearly everyday in the woods, walking barefoot, breathing in the trees and the soil. It’s how I keep my sanity.
3. I don’t know the names of many of the animals and insects I see in the woods, but I know much of their behavior and habits.
4. I produce and edit a nature show on YouTube (and EXPLORINGtheLATERAL) exploring our adventures in the forests, particularly hard to witness activity with birds, insects, chipmunks, snakes, turtles, and the like. We’re  right down on the ground with the animals.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5. My favorite number is the Fibonacci Sequence.
6. I love to watch old science fiction films like Metropolis and THX 1138.
7. I am fortunate enough to spend every moment of everyday with my boyfriend, just hanging out.

17 thoughts on “Award of a Different Kind . . . The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Hey thank you Niko 🙂 and I enjoyed your seven facts…lovely to spend your days with trees, animals, and your boyfriend.

    • You are most deservedly welcome. Your blog is one of my favorites to read every time I log in to WP. I tend to make constant use of the like button on your blog! 🙂

      and Thank you. 🙂

      • I love the like button 🙂

        Since getting back from my escape from the city I haven’t been on here much so I’m quite behind…but once again I thank you for your kind words x

  2. Love the Fibonacci sequence. I also love THX1138. I wrote a paper about it in college on how it was Plato’s Allegory of the Cave in Sci-Fi form.
    My brother told me about a famous scientist whose father used to take him for walks in the woods. When other kids asked him what the name of birds and other animals were, he could not answer, because his father would just say, “Look at that bird. Let’s see what he does.” You remind me of this genius, Niko. So nice to have you back. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

    • Kozo, you have just blown my mind!

      That scientist to whom you refer is none other than Richard P. Feynman, and is, to date, my favorite theoretical physicist that has ever lived! To make comparison to him. . . I just have no words for. Thank you kindly, and you are too kind. No one has ever been able to come close to his genius, creativity, imagination and ability to play with the laws of the universe. 🙂 That story he tells is from his documentary The Pleasure of Findings Things Out, my favorite.

      You must print just a bit of that paper on THX 1138 somewhere on the internet because that is one of the most original takes I have heard about for that incredible film. That makes sense, I like that. And I can see the comparison.

      Nice to be back among WP friends.


  3. NIKO! 🙂 It’s good to see you about again. Thank you so much for the kind nomination, and congrats on your award!!

    • It’s nice to be back again, Rar!

      You are most welcome for the nomination, it is, as I said in the post, most well-deserved. Your blog never fails to enlighten, to teach, to inspire, and make readers laugh with each post.

      and Thank you for the congrats. 🙂

  4. Dear Niko, Thank you for the kind nomination here. It is a pleasure to read your site (sight) and in this way, get to know you a little more. A fascinating window into a fascinating exploration of all things true and shining. I’ll be back! Take it easy, lee

    • You are most welcome, Lee. First of all the title of your blog alone deserves an award; the originality as well as volumes it speaks brings any curious mind running to read the content. . . and the content keeps that curious mind reading and searching for more. Need I say anything of the amazing, thoughful and mostly mindful poetry and prose you write? It stands in a field by itself, touched by no other blog of the same I have as yet read (no offense intended to another poets here on WP).

      The window you provide is as fascinating if not more, I assure you of that!

      Cheers, Niko

  5. Congratulations on your deserved award. Good to see you back in action. Thanks for your listing of Liberated Way for your nomination. I am glad you like the new look.

    • Ah, thank you, my man, thank you. 🙂 It’s nice to be back blogging again; time away was indeed missed.

      You, my fine and well-deserved friend, are quite welcome for the nomination for the same award. I have not yet read a piece on your blog that I have not reflected on or learnt a little bit of wisdom from. And the new look complements so well with your content.

      Thank you, again, and thank you for reading and commenting on the blog. 🙂

      • Hi Nik, thanks for your past and present feedback, it is appreciated. I try to add something into each of my posts that I think might be useful to the reader. Your blog posts have assisted in the development of my philosophy.

      • There are no words to appropriately describe the Thank You I have for your comment.

        And you are welcome; without being cliche, it is my pleasure to provide feedback on your posts. And I am honored to be among those who have assisted in the developement of your philosophy (as you have assisted in mine). Are we not here to open wide the eyes and minds of one another? 🙂

  6. Thank you and blessings to you 🙂

    • 🙂 Thank you for the mention among an astute and wonderful bunch of bloggers. My latest hobby is trying to find patterns in the Fibonacci Sequence! Up to how many digits did you have the Sequence memorized? It’s a pleasure to find out that we share something in common. The wonders of WordPress blogosphere! 🙂

      PS I received my bracelet and note. I thank you and I love it. 🙂 Here is one of Kozo’s beloved{{{{hugs}}}}.

Let's Talk. . .